Reading Logs For All!

Reading logs are a great way for students to think about the books that they are reading. Students are able to treat a reading log like a journal, where they write their reactions and opinions about the books they are reading or listening to. Reading logs also act as a great guide for teachers and parents to track their child’s reading and to see what reading level they sit at. The options of reading logs are endless! Teachers can create reading logs in a variety of ways to help their students gain better reading comprehension and understanding of what they are reading. For example, they can illustrate pictures, write favourite quotes, or talk about the plot. Reading logs give students the opportunity to be creative and explore their understanding of text and writing fluency. Reading logs can also come with some great incentives! Pairing reading with rewards in the classroom or at home can encourage longer periods of reading. By practicing reading at home, students can continue their reading practice which will make them more confident readers and writers in the future. Reading logs can be used for all ages of students, as well as being  modified depending on the age and reading level of the students. Finally, there are many new reading log materials and strategies out there that can be introduced in the classroom to promote long term reading and having students meet their reading goals! Here is our video link. Enjoy!

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