Words are structured by letters like how teaching lessons are structured by the basics, as the basics are what make up everything we learn. With that being said, wouldn’t it be easy to wrap up that thematic unit with something simple as just using the basics? That’s where Alphabet Books come into play. The Alphabet Book strategy is as simple as getting your students to choose a letter and make a connection to the theme with a word that starts with that letter. This activity gets the brain thinking and making connections by expanding their vocabulary and using their writing skills and more. It is great for students grades 3-8 and has so many options for ways to teach it. This strategy is a project that uses a collection of words and pictures representing each letter; this can then be made simple for a younger grade like using small phrases to explain the words, or can be more complex for older grades and challenge students to expand their vocabulary and write dense sentences and/ or paragraphs to explain their thought process. Overall it gives students multiple, meaningful experiences with the topic words that are used to make this alphabet book. If this is something that interests you, it is suggested to take a look at this video as it explains all that the alphabet books has to offer and more about when and where to use them!

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